We investigated cerebellar electrocortical activity before and after unilateral brain injury in anesthetized rats. Spectral analysis of cerebellar activity was obtained by Fast Fourier Transformation. There was a dominance of delta frequency range, while the wide gamma range presented no more than 5% of the total mean power spectra of cerebellar activity before brain injury. A few minutes after brain injury and within the first 90 minutes, there was a decrease of total mean power spectra and a relative decrease of delta range power to about 30%, some increase of beta range, and an increase of gamma range to 20-25%. Relative increase of gamma range in the cerebellar mean power spectra was still present 120 min after the brain injury, while other changes started to diminish. We suggest that spectral changes within slow and fast (gamma) frequency ranges of cerebellar activity may be indicators of the brain state after acute injury.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2005 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
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