Neurons in the trigeminal sensory nuclei (TSN) were indicated to project simultaneously to the cerebellar paramedian lobule (PML) of both sides by way of axon collaterals in the rabbit. Injections of Fast Blue and Diamidino Yellow made in twelve rabbits into the regions of the left and right PML cortex, respectively, resulted in retrograde double labeling of neurons in the principal trigeminal (Vp) and spinal trigeminal nuclei including subnucleus oralis (Vo), and rostral (Vir) and caudal (Vic) subnucleus interpolaris. Sparse labeling was seen among the root fibers of the facial nerve immediately adjacent to Vp. The data indicated that out of the total population of ipsilateral and contralateral single labeled neurons in TSN subdivisions, double labeled neurons constituted about 11% in Vo, 2% in Vp and Vir, and 1% in Vic. Thus, it seems that out of TSN neurons sending collateral projections to PML of both hemispheres, those in Vo project more frequently than those in Vp, Vir and Vic. The homotopic (corresponding) middle (c and d) PML sublobules receive collateral projections from neurons of all these TSN subdivisions, whereas the caudal (a and b) and rostral (e and f) sublobules seem to be targets of the projection from Vp and Vir. The findings suggest that some TSN neurons may exert simultaneous bilateral modulatory influences upon the regions in various sublobules of both PML.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 1998 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
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